Month: January 2008

  • If you had a magic key, what would it open?

    My magic key would open a door that would lead to any place I wanted to visit. All I would do is say "I want to be in X" and when I turn the key and open the door, that is where I would be.


    I just answered this Featured Question, you can answer it too!

  • Driving in the dark

    I almost didn't do a video yesterday.
    I had late classes and a meeting afterwards...but then I saw something so distracting I had to catch it on camera:

    The music in this video is Between.

    Who does that to their taillights on purpose?
    I couldn't take me eyes off of them.
    And this short video of traffic at night...

    The song playing in this video is Champione

    Now that I have successfully resized a video on Xanga, I will continue to use my little finpix camera for the majority of my videos.
    It is much easier to point and shoot and not be so obvious..

  • Test Flight

    I tried using  my other video camera at 720 setting and it seems a little off.
    The sound goes in and out and the image seems jumpy.
    I wonder if that is because the battery was rather low.

    I don't remember what song was playing, but here is my latest video in the "Driving to Music" series.

  • Wow, Camera Phone Photography

    I used to take photos with my camera phone.
    Ya know, random funny photos or something interesting and spontaneous.
    Well, when browsing through the memory card on my camera phone I found these gems:

    look at those rays of light...AWESOME!

    How arty....

    I may start taking more photos with my camera phone...
    I think I am catching a cold. My body has been able to fight off whatever has been going around for awhile.
    It has been so cold and I do work with kids... so it was bound to happen..

  • Hug It Out!

    So, I used my other video camera to take some new video.
    The only problem is that the video I took is still small (320X240)...I forgot to check my settings
    So, Xanga will stretch it out and it will look uber-craptastic but you can really hear my car stereo...thump, thump thump.
    I have decided to title my video series "Driving to Music."
    You should know that I almost exclusive listen to Orange Range in my car. Sometimes I might play some UVERworld, but most of the time it is all Orange Range all the time.

    I now present:
    Driving to Music

      Feel the music...feel the music..

  • This morning was pretty cloudy and overcast. It is still plenty cold
    seeing how it is still plenty winter!
    Here are some photos I
    took from my car window. It isn't a moon/sun roof, it is a "T"

    I may be making a huge
    move soon that will force me to sell my car.
    I don't know how
    I feel about that. Right now, selling my car is a very good option.

    We still have my sister's old car and my dad says it runs
    fine and I would only need the car for another month or so.
    need to talk to my dad about my car (since he co-signed on it and is partially his).

    Here is some nice video
    from my morning drive home:

  • Driving All Over Town

    Today I went shopping with my sis.
    Here we are rambling on about stuff...

    And this is from this evening.
    I thought I'd try night taping.

    I am using the video function on my FinePix, so the quality is not great.
    The FinePix is easy to handle while I commute.

  • Way Too Cold

    It was way too cold today.
    I didn't even leave the house.
    That was my plan. I can't stand the cold.
    And guess what? It is going to be cold tomorrow too.
    But I have to leave the house tomorrow. I am so cold.

    Here is some more video from last week.

  • If you could write a letter to your past self (say, 10 years ago), what would you tell yourself?

    If I could write a letter to the me 10 years ago, it would go something like this:

    Dear Me:
    What the hell are you doing??? He is not worth your time. Don't give up on your dream. Major in what you love and travel overseas.
    You have got to trust yourself more. Don't let anyone tell you that you are not beautiful. Cherish you true friends.  You are awesome!



    I just answered this Featured Question, you can answer it too!

  • What's your form of therapy?

    My form of theraphy to relieve stress or depression is retail theraphy. It is only a short term fix, but it does make me feel better. Afterwards, I am calm and rationale and wondering why I've bought what I bought.  Sometimes, window shopping is enough to make me feel better


    I just answered this Featured Question, you can answer it too!